What is Cooperative?

How do parents cooperate in the preschool environment?

  • Parents must participate in one main annual fundraiser by a) raising $200 (for each child a parent has enrolled) and b) by assisting the fundraising chair in organizing the main fundraiser. Other fundraising events throughout the year are voluntary. Fundraising is very important for the preschool since all funds raised benefit the children directly.
  • Parents must assist in the classroom from 9AM-1PM one day per school year. Parents also have the opportunity to volunteer in the classroom and can assist with many Preschool activities. Look for signs on the parent board for sign-ups or contact the director regarding special interests you want to bring to the classroom.
  • Parents will also be asked to assist in a Spring & Fall Clean-Up. Children will always be welcome to help too!
  • Parents may be asked to help with minor repairs or maintenance issues at the school, snow removal, enrichment activities or sub in the event a teacher may be out sick.
  • Non-graduating families are responsible for hosting graduation for graduating families. Families will help set up/clean up and may be asked to provide refreshments and snacks for the celebration, which takes place at West Falmouth Preschool.

The Preschool consists of the teaching staff, the students and the Executive Committee. It is the Executive Committee and the Director who make the day-to-day decisions on the operation of the Preschool. Each year the parents elect five officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and Recording Secretary) who in turn appoint up to six non-voting positions (Health Agent, Registrar, Parent-Teacher Liaison, Fundraising Coordinator, Maintenance Chair, and Publicity-Social Events Coordinator). These eleven individuals are exempt from clean responsibilities. The Executive Board meets monthly, and also holds three mandatory parent meetings (September, January, and May). Monthly Executive meetings are open to all who want to attend.